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15 to finish

15 to Finish Postcards

Complete College Georgia has developed these 15 to Finish postcards to support campus promotional activities.  The two sided postcard provides students with the essential facts on why taking 15 credits or more a semester helps them graduate on time and saves them money.  A limited quantity of the postcards are available from the University System. 

15 to Finish Video

Did you know that traditionally, an associate’s degree has been referred to as a 2-year degree and bachelor’s degrees as 4- year degrees? Unfortunately, an increasing number of students are taking more time to graduate with their degree. The 2 and 4 – year degrees have become the 3 and 5 year degrees. Every year that a student spends in college, the total cost of their degree increases because of additional student fees. Additionally, taking more time to finish delays the student’s entry to the workforce to start earning money in their career.

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